
How to covert Images to Webp in high quality


 Squoosh site is very famous in changing the size of the image to the size you want. Additionally change the image format to webp.

After the new update in Google recently shows that the speed of the blog is very important. So you have to take care of the speed of your site and make it fast. For example, when you check your blog in Google's speed check tools, you notice a problem that appears to you:: 

Features of squoosh website

  1. Change image format to weapon format.
  2. Change the size of the image to the article you want.
  3. Upload photos to your device in high resolution and quality.
  4. Reduce the size of the image by 70% of its original size.
  5. Program to convert image formats to JPG and reduce its size.
  6. Convert images to PDF with high quality.
  7. Convert full image formats.

Ways to compress and reduce the size of images
There are ways I personally use my blog using these two sites.

Method one: click the image using the TinyPNG site known as panda site click the image several times until the image becomes the minimum size of kilobytes. After that proceed to the next step

Method two: use the location to change the image format to weapon format after it was in another format. After that, upload an image to a downloadable file.

Method three: go back to the same site to compress tinypng Panda photos and compress an image again. Therefore, I advise you to use these methods to compress and reduce the size of the images to maintain the speed of your blog.

These were the methods I used to compress images on my blog blogger and the methods had good results. Where the image is compressed to 4 KB imagine how fast the page will be in your site. For example: if you have 3 images in one of your articles without compression and the size of the images exceeds 150 or 200 kb, how will the speed of the page of your article be.

Of course, speed can be very bad even if it's fast for you. However, it will be bad for search engines and very likely be in the last search results.

  1. Convert images to PNG, as well as convert images to JPEG.
